
    What's Left Of The Day

    written and produced by The Powdered Earth (Moorey/Young)

    all instruments: George Moorey

    vocals: Shane Young


    My songwriting partnership "The Powdered Earth" with Shane Young is strong. To date we have written 33 songs and made and released recordings of those songs. This is one of my favourites.


    Shane attended a funeral during pandemic. It was for the father of one of his childhood friends. The deceased was an amateur musician who had played alongside prominent professionals during his time on earth. Under his father's tutellage Shane's friend had gone on to become a famous music star in the 90s and write with some of the biggest pop stars in the world.


    Earlier that same week I had sent Shane a musical sketch to digest. Listening to the eulogy at the funeral got Shane thinking and inspired lyrics that told some of the story that he had heard in the eulogy about the last years of this old man with Alzheimer's spent in a care home.



    This is Shane's friend's mother's response. She sent the song to the nursing home her spouse resided at:


    I hadn't realised they lost 22 residents to covid in the early days of the pandemic. One is humbled by the bravery of staff of nursing homes that were so neglected to begin with. It is an extraordinary song


    and this is the nursing home manager's response:


    Thank you for sharing the song/poem with me. I felt very emotional listening to it. I recognise people in the song. I remember Caroline asking to have Harry’s door open to hear his beautiful music … Wendy sorted flowers and called everybody darling etc etc ….


    It made me cry for all the lovely residents I have known and are no longer with us and it made me cry for the way Brockworth House used to be. I don’t think it will ever be the same again.


  • Lyrics

    Always people passing

    In the corridor outside my open doorway

    And sometimes, without warning,

    One of them comes inside to stay

    They’ll bring a bunch of flowers

    And clip them neat and put them in the window thing

    And ask me if the last ones

    Are ready for recycling


    What’s left of the day

    I am left to wonder

    Where the kindness came from and will it come again


    A woman brings me ice cream

    And a glass of milk to drink

    I don’t know how she knew my favourites

    It’s impossible to think

    A younger chap arrives and wheels me out into the garden

    For a summer stroll

    We talk about the trees and birds and butterflies and temperatures

    And fields of gold


    What’s left of the day

    I am left to wonder

    Where the kindness came from and will it come again

    Who’ll be my next friend


    The flower lady calls me darling

    The young man calls me dad

    The ice cream woman calls me Harry

    She wrote it on my pad

    When I play my Mozart records

    She comes in to turn the volume up

    She says it fills the corridor

    Like honey dripping from a magic cup


    What’s left of the day

    I am left to wonder

    Where the music comes from

    It’s Heaven, I am sure,

    that spills out of the door


    All the faces close to me

    Like debris on a sea

    A floating cabaret


    Like the bracelet on your arm

    The chains from charm to charm

    They dissolve away


    There was a picture in a room

    But I can’t lift the broom

    To clear the way


    I had a whole world on a string

    But time’s unravelling

    The threads of yesterday

  • Comments from our listeners:

    Listening again. I have no idea how your words come to you. This is the music the world needs.


    The mind when tired tiptoes off to find a place to rest. Full colour in the background supporting that you once were someone’s best. Thank you again guys for reminding me of human value.


    You guys are quickly becoming one of my new favourite artists. Please keep creating art, whatever you do. I love everything about this.


    It’s miserable, haunting, sad, hypnotic, melancholic and I love it


    The best music I’ve heard in a long time! I wish I could have conversations with you


    So beautiful and sad all at once. My grandmother succumbed to Alzheimer’s not too long ago. This track tears me up a bit. I wonder if I’ll face the same fate.


    Well, what to say? I've worked most of my life as a carer in homes and that's where this one sends me, you speak of losing time, kind people etc. all there, amazing


    Stunningly beautiful and powerful


    I just feel so pleased to listen to your lovely music and words they are so relaxing, thank you


    Absolutely beautiful! Very inspiring


    Why am I crying?


    I thought I knew this song but got a whole different layer of meaning seeing the lyrics on the screen. Really poignant.


    I love this such a touching story song so beautiful


    Absolutely beautiful, gave me goosebumps


    Guys, just lyrically and musically beautiful, so glad I stumbled across you when I did. I’m looking forward to everything you do in the future


    Another song that I love


    Simply beautiful yet again


    That’s just magic


    So easy to listen to. Haunting yet strangely soothing